Streaming Business Opportunities

The Mini Mix Shop
It is the first of its kind. The Mini Mix Shop is quite simply a place to hear DJ-mixed music. All you will have to do is push a button and an instant party whereever you may be.

The content is governed by the mini mix product. Listeners can experience 2-, 3-, 4-, & 5-song mixes. The Mini Mix Shop is arranged by musical genre. When a subscriber is interested in Hip Hop; the Hip Hop channel will give them all that they can handle. On top of that, the subscriber will never be disappointed because they will also experience the styles and techniques from DJs around the world.

The Mini Mix Shop is a new way for listeners to enjoy something they have always enjoyed; the 'twist' on this is the delivery. This product series provides music for the music-lover and takes it to the next level. The product series can be managed under your current streaming license. Mirror Immage Entertainment has created a proof of concept to show the flow and potential look available for The Mini Mix Shop.

Please click on the link to experience The Mini Mix Shop.

Maximum Rhythm
The Mini Mix Shop comes with a series of musical channels. Those channels will represent various musical genres like Hip Hop, R&B, Top 40, Smooth Jazz, etc. Maximum Rhythm is The Mini Mix Shop's universal musical channel. It will feature tracks (mini mixes) from the other mini mix channels. Maximum Rhythm would be in the initial offering to a subscriber (possibly 3 channels to start with) in their paid subscription.

Maximum Rhythm is the radio staion that The Mini Mix Shop can use to offer in-house advertisement to subscribers. As with most streaming services, advertisement comes with certain subscripitons. All subscribers will get Maximum Rhythm and the marketing, advertising and subtle sponsor name placement that comes with it. This will allow Maximum Rhythm to generate revenue beyond just sponsorship.

The designed content for Maximum Rhythm is meant to be compelling and engaging. The channel will carry daily shows with interactive programming that will be tied to other social media outlets to allow subscribers to stay connected.

Please click on the link to experience the player on The Mini Mix Shop.

Adding an App
With all of the goodies that are in the design of The Mini Mix Shop, there is most definitely should be an app associated with this concept.

Due to a list of security concerns, Mirror Immage Entertainment has reserved the design for the next phase. The essential protocols will be then discussed with the streaming partner.

For convenience, we have established a link to our Facebook Page. Here you can establish a secure connection to us without e-mail or security issues. After the intial connection, you may establish any other method suitable for consistent communication between us. Thank you for your interest in Mirror Immage Entertainment & the Mini Mix.

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